Are you in need of some extra day-to-day support?

In many countries of the world, people are now in complete ‘lockdown’, only able to leave their homes when completely essential. In addition, increasing numbers of people are needing to self-isolate for 14 days due to symptoms of coronavirus. As a result, it may be that those of us who rely on carers could find days when they cannot make it in to work. Whether you are facing this challenge, or simply finding that more time at home has made it clear just how frustrating some daily tasks can be, we have put together some of our best products to support you in your daily living. Regain control over your personal care routines and experience greater independence around the home with these fantastic gadgets. Click on any of the images to head to our shop.

Personal care routines

Getting up and ready for the day can be a daunting task when reduced hand function is holding you back. While many of these gadgets are simple in their design, they are all super effective tools in easing your morning routines

Small Item Gripping Aid

Place small diameter items, such as make up, a toothbrush, a razor etc at any angle in your palm and get a grip on your morning routine. This two-part gripping aid consists of a comfortable glove and a palm pad with clamp that Velcros onto the glove. Additional palm pads can be purchased so that you can clamp a series of items in each.  Then simply put on your glove and switch between items easily to get ready for your day. 

Once you’re ready for your day, the Small Item Gripping Aid is perfect for gripping art equipment such as paint brushes, pencils, pens or even drum sticks…why not get creative!

the small item gripping aid with a blue lady's razor in the palm pad

Toothpaste Dispenser

With your toothpaste tube inserted into the top of the dispenser, you simply need to push your toothbrush into the opening at the bottom and the perfect amount of toothpaste will be dispensed.

a blue toothpaste dispenser and toothbrush holder. The toothbrush holder has 5 toothbrushes in it and the toothpaste dispenser has Sensodyne toothpaste in it

Button Puller

Get dressed more easily with this button and zip puller, designed with a large rubber handle for easy grip. Check out the ‘how to use’ video on our YouTube channel…we’re sure you’ll get the hang of it quickly.

Button puller doing up button on white shirt. Suitable for reduced hand function: tetra, quad, cerebral palsy, SCI, spinal cord injury, stroke and more.

Zip Grips

These large plastic loops attach to your zips, enabling you to do up hoodies, coats and bags by simply putting your finger through the loop and pulling.  Available in packs of 6.

Zip grip zip pull on blue child's coat. Suitable for reduced hand function: tetra, quad, cerebral palsy, SCI, spinal cord injury, stroke and more.

Zubits Magnetic Laces

Magnetic shoe closers that remove the need to tackle tying your shoe laces.  Secure your laces with a simple click.  Remove your shoes hands-free.

Zubits on Red shoes

In the kitchen

Being able to make your own cuppa or eat meals independently can make a huge difference if you are having to cope on your own. These kitchen gadgets are just part of our extensive range, designed to get you cooking, eating and drinking with confidence.

Easy-Pour Kettle

This clever kettle simply pivots to pour, removing the need to lift a heavy and hot kettle.  With no need to grip, making a cuppa has never been easier.  A light touch opens and closes the lid for filling, which can either be done by detaching the main body of the kettle, or by bringing a jug or bottle to the kettle.

easy pour kettle for poor hand function

Hand Steady Mug


If you struggle with tremors, or have difficulty lifting a regular mug to your mouth without spilling, this could be the solution for you.  The self-stabilising mug remains level as you lift it, due to the rotating handle, keeping your tea safely inside.

the handle rotates 360 degrees to prevent spillages for those with movement difficulties with new sticker

Cutlery With Loops

This elegantly designed cutlery has loops on either side that can be adjusted to comfortably fit your finger and thumb.  The knife, fork, spoon, steak knife and teaspoon are available to purchase individually, or purchase a set of one knife, fork and spoon and receive a free washable, easy-open pouch so you can take them out with you once we’re all back to socialising!

Cutlery with Loops - fork with loops on hand. Suitable for reduced hand function: tetra, quad, cerebral palsy, SCI, spinal cord injury, stroke and more.

Around the house

Whether you are now working from home or are learning to manage with reduced hours from a carer, there are many ‘little’ tasks around the home that can take more time and energy than they should when you are struggling with reduced hand function.  With a little help from our gadgets, you can quickly get a grip on day-to-day jobs and spend your energy on the more fun parts of your day.


Uniquely designed for those with reduced hand function, this superb grabber requires no need to grip at all.  Simply flex your wrist to operate and easily pick up any item up to 3kg in weight.  The device is adjustable to fit you precisely and is available as right or left handed.  The high-quality materials make this grabber durable and strong, yet light-weight.  Pick up items dropped on the floor, reach things from high shelves, kitchen cupboards or the fridge, put washing into the washing machine or reach clothes from your wardrobe.  This tool will quickly become indispensable.

the reacher/grabber is being used to get something off the top shelf of a fridge by a female in a wheelchair

Plug Tugs

With many of us now learning to work from home, we’re pretty reliant on keep our technology charged and ready to go!  We’re certainly finding that we’re passing laptops, tablets and phones between us all to juggle the demands of office, home school and keeping in touch.  Don’t become frustrated with getting a firm grip on slippery plugs…simply add a Plug Tug and you can slide your hand under the strong plastic loop and pull. Easy peasy! (Only suitable for three-pin plugs with rectangular pins)

Plug tug image with "pack of 10" banner. Suitable for reduced hand function: tetra, quad, cerebral palsy, SCI, spinal cord injury, stroke and more.

Cat Tongue Phone/Laptop Grips


Based on the stickiness of a cat’s tongue, these nifty grips hold your phone or laptop on your lap, tabletop or car seat. Stick them directly to your device, or to it’s case and keep your tech safe and secure.

video showing how to apply the CatTongue grips

The enforced changes on our lifestyles and routines can feel pretty daunting and overwhelming some days.  But with the right tools behind you, you can use this time to discover a new independence around your home.  Why not take a look at our full range of gripping aid products and see how we can help you to feel more confident taking on new challenges?

Jo Smith

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