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Asking Your Questions: Is Goal Setting Important?
Time for the LAST article of our Asking Your Questions series – on goal setting! You can check out all the others on our news page!
So, Question #8…
Is goal setting important?
Alex got in touch to share her ideas and we think she sums up the importance of goal setting just perfectly.
I find goal setting in fitness personally important, the sense of achievement motivates me for the next goal, and whilst they are small goals for me they are big accomplishments which give me confidence in myself. It helps me see where I am currently and where I want to go. It sets up the direction of training by making me focus on manageable goals. It makes easy assessment of performance and challenges, which makes training less monotonous.
I choose my goals by imagining what I want to achieve in a year, I then think how I am finding the sport or gym and set myself smaller goals. There is nothing worse than setting some and not managing to fulfil them, even if this means changing goals mid-way through.
When I’ve talked to team mates about setting goals, I’ve gone through a similar step but suggested looking at completing that goal at the end of a season, not at the start of a season when they may have had some time off from the sport. [Alex Turley]
If you have anything to add let us know – we love to hear your thoughts!
A big thank you to everyone who contributed answers throughout the series! If you are looking for an active lifestyle, check out our website for a wide range of products to enable you to ‘get a grip’ of gym and sporting equipment, as well as kitchen and gardening implements and many other items! For further motivation, become a part of our wonderful community on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and enjoy the remainder of our Christmas countdown series! We hope you’ve found these articles useful, it’s great to see our community working together to answer each other’s questions! Have a very Merry Christmas, and enjoy back-to-gym January!