Asking your Questions: What Does Sport Mean to You?

If you’ve been keeping your ear to the ground, you’ll know all about our #AskingYourQuestions series. We’ve had a couple of weeks off from this series due to some serious excitement at Active Hands: you can read about it here!

We’ve already asked ‘Why is Rehab/ Exercise Important After Injury’ & ‘When Should Rehab Begin After Stroke’ and our wonderful community have not disappointed! In this mini-series we’re publishing responses from across our social media sphere and some individuals we contacted directly.

Our first two questions focused on rehabilitation and when it should begin, now to talk about the ‘Active’ in Active Hands. Introducing question #3…

What does sport mean to you?

“Freedom” [Chisholm, Facebook]

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“Everything. I wouldn’t have half my friends without sport.” [Lauren, Facebook]

“Ever since I was little my parents sent me in sporting/activity holidays. It was a massive confidence boost to be able to canoe or do archery and abseiling with only one hand. I assume that’s why they sent me. To learn new skills and to show me that anything is achievable. I grew up doing karate and got to a brown belt before teenage hormones kicked in and sport went on the back burner. The last few years I’ve been doing Thai boxing but that Tina weight lifting with Limb Difference aidgot to the point where I was damaging my little hand and Crossfit took over. To say I’m hooked is an understatement. Contacting Active Hands to help was the best move I ever made. My Limb Difference aid helps me swing kettle bells, practice ring work, lift heavy barbells, row, bike… actually the list is endless. It gives me a massive confidence boost to know I can take part in sport and not be left on the side lines. I want to show that just because I was born with a condition (amniotic band syndrome) I am able to do everything I ever wanted. Crossfit gives me confidence but it also sends out a message loud and clear that I’m capable of so much more than the doctors ever said I would be.” [Tina]

Clearly you guys really value sports: the freedom, independence and fellowship it can produce!

Thank you to everyone who contributed answers.  If you have a disability and are looking to have an active lifestyle, check out our website where you will find a wide range of products to enable you to ‘get a grip’ of gym and sporting equipment, as well as kitchen and gardening implements and many other items.  For further motivation, become a part of our wonderful community on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.  If you have a burning question, why not message our page – we’ll do our best to post them – and, hopefully, you can answer each other’s questions!


Jo Walters

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