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Ian, who suffers from fibromyalgia and mental health issues, decided to use his conditions to create a cookbook for anyone who suffers from similar mental or physical issues. As some of the effects of fibromyalgia include muscle tiredness and general fatigue, we found there to be quite an overlap with our kitchen aids, especially as many of our customers have conditions involving fatigue. Not only did it seem like an ideal collaboration, but Ian’s story is very much an inspiring tale to be told.
Active Hands and Therabands – How To Work Out With The Sun Out!
Sittin’ On The Deck Of The Bay Windows After what felt like the longest winter imaginable here in the UK, with my hoodie ‘n’ heating combo lasting until the end of May; this past month has finally seen the rain let up and temperatures break into the tumultuous teens! With so long spent indoors over ... Read more
What Would You Like a Disability Aid to Help You With? (Invented or Not!)
From Iron Man suits to something to help pick up laundry, you all have different ideas for the disability aids you want to see on the market.
What Product Makes the Most Difference to Your Life?
We’ve discussed your frustrations, now it’s time for some solutions. We asked you about your favourite assistive products.
What do you find most frustrating due to your lack of hand function?
We asked our customers what they find most frustrating due to their lack of hand function - and then we looked for solutions.
Crafting Christmas With Active Hands
The Christmas preparation can be a bit overwhelming when you are a quad with reduced hand function - here are some tips to help!
The Wonky Artist
We were recently contacted by 10 year old Amélie who excitedly told us what great progress her mum, Rachel, had been making with some of our products. We chatted back and forth with Rachel, and discovered that she’d been on quite the journey since her injury; a journey that has seen her become a wife, ... Read more
Lockdown & Beyond With The Active Hands Crew
Although some parts of the UK are stuck doing the lockdown hokey cokey, the vast majority of us are now officially out and trying our best to resume our lives under the new social distancing guidelines. It will be impossible to forget however, the months we all spent under virtual house arrest, with the overall experience ... Read more
Co-Existing With Covid
The New Norm…? In my previous blog entry from April, which feels like a solid decade ago at this point, I confidently mused that by the time I got round to writing my next entry, all this Coronavirus nonsense would be “firmly in the rearview mirror”… …oh to be young and naive again! Yes, I now find ... Read more
A Promise to Fight – Stéphane’s story
“This is where Active Hands changed my life. The whole body can be worked confidently: the pectorals, arms, shoulders, back… I have access to machines safely. I can use dumbells, do pull-ups, the cable machine… and I know that I have other possibilities too.” 55 year old Stéphane lives in a small town in the ... Read more