
Crafting materials are laid out on a table and a child's hand is pictured using the Nimble one-finger cutter to cut the paper.

Keeping Children Occupied

The Christmas toys have been played with, the festive day trips are all ticked off and crucially, the money is all spent! So how do we keep the children occupied now?! January can feel approximately 478 days long! For many of us, the weather is pretty miserable too and us parents could do with some ... Read more

A dad and his young daughter are sharing a picnic. The dad uses cutlery with loops to overcome his reduced hand function, while serving pasta salad.

Summer Holiday Fun for Everyone

If you’re a parent, the approaching summer holidays may feel slightly daunting! How will you fill the long summer break with the children at home? How will you afford all the extra activities? And how will you keep everyone happy, when everyone wants to do different things? The struggle is hard! But fear not! Take ... Read more

Child uses functional hand product to grip a crayon and colour in a picture.

Gadgets for Children with Reduced Hand Function

New Ways to Play One of the great joys of parenting is watching your child discover new hobbies and interests. To watch them develop new skills, thrive in new environments and grow in confidence, is a wonderful feeling. At Active Hands, we want to enable all children to discover their passion and reach their full potential. We ... Read more

There are lots of different ways you can use the EazyHold straps

Kidz to Adultz South – What a Day!

We had a lovely (sunny!) day at Kidz to Adultz South in Farnborough last week. It was busy as ever with lots of families & Occupational Therapists coming to try out our products, see what’s new, and attend CPD seminars. As a small business without a physical shop, exhibitions are a great opportunity for us ... Read more

Girl makes a Christmas tree card using Active Hands gadgets

Christmas Activities For Kids

With the Yuletide season now fully upon us, children everywhere will be eagerly awaiting Santa’s arrival. Brimming with excess energy and looking for outlets, this is the perfect period in which to embark upon some festive fun with young ones. There are a whole host of Christmas activities for kids that embrace the holiday spirit ... Read more

Toothpaste dispenser and holder in bathroom, toothpaste being applied. Suitable for reduced hand function: tetra, quad, cerebral palsy, SCI, spinal cord injury, stroke and more.

Gadgets for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy can affect children to varying degrees depending on its severity. Symptoms can include weakened arms and hands coupled with clumsy and uncontrolled movements. This means that it can often be a frustrating struggle for children to carry out basic tasks. Active Hands provides a number of gadgets for Cerebral Palsy that are perfect ... Read more

Boy sits in a bright green kayak holding the paddle with a limb difference gripping aid on his left hand.

Helping Children to Embrace Adventure

This week, I’ve brought my toddler to stay with my mum and dad while our older son goes on a boys’ adventure with Dad. While here, I get the golden opportunity to sit back and observe my little one play, rather than being actively involved in the game. And what I’ve observed is that she ... Read more

active hands logo on green background with santa hat and bauble

Christmas Gift Guide for Children

Christmas is beginning to creep closer and there are few things more wonderful than watching our children’s excitement build as they enjoy the magic of the season. The joy when they open their gifts and discover that Father Christmas has got just the right thing is a highlight of many parent’s and grandparent’s year! When ... Read more

Child on the shore next to a yellow kayak. She is holding her paddle above her head and grinning. She uses a Limb Difference gripping aid in her right hand.

Focus on: Children

Some of the most encouraging feedback we receive at Active Hands is from families who have found a way to unlock a new activity or part of daily living for their child with reduced hand function. Children are fantastic innovators when it comes to finding ways around their hand function disabilities. With the right tools ... Read more

Fiona smiling

Finding your own way

Anne-Marie describes her 8 year old daughter with well-deserved pride and here at Active Hands we love reading about our customers’ inventiveness and determination.

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