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COVID 19 – We Remain Open For Business
As a Company we are, of course, concerned about recent updates regarding COVID 19. A high proportion of our team and our loved ones are in the high risk category and we have a strong duty of care to both our team and our customers – many of whom are also vulnerable.
We are responding as best we can to the ever changing advice around COVID 19, trying at all times to balance doing what is needed to keep our business running as well as doing what is right for looking after our team and our customers.
We have put into place measures to ensure we remain open and operational during this difficult time and to protect our valued staff and customers.
- Our team have been encouraged to work from home where possible and we are using online technology for our meetings and to check in with each other to make sure we are all staying sane.
- As always, we encourage flexible working to ensure our team are able to care for their children/family members. This will become especially vital if/when the schools close.
- We are ensuring that all of the team are washing their hands regularly and thoroughly. We have hand sanitizer on all packing stations and at our desks and have instructed all of the team to use these frequently.
- All of our team members have been briefed on protocol if they or family members develop any signs of illness. We are following advice from Public Health England to monitor our response and manage risk.
- We are no longer having visitors from outside companies visiting our premises.
As things stand, the majority of our products are in stock and we have sufficient reserve stock for a good length of time. Online shopping is deemed as safe.
“Public Health England (PHE) has advised that people receiving parcels are not at risk of contracting the coronavirus. From experience with other coronaviruses, we know that these types of viruses don’t survive long on objects, such as letters or parcels. This complements the highly publicised guidance from PHE for people to wash their hands more often than usual using soap and hot water”.
Whilst larger businesses may be equipped to ride the storm we now all face, please do take a moment to think about the smaller businesses out there and do all you can to support them during this difficult time.
In the coming weeks our team will be putting together some ideas for life hacks at home relating to personal care and exercise during a time when gyms and leisure facilities are likely to have to close.
Thank you for taking the time to read this update. We wish you and your families all the very best at this difficult time.