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My Work Experience at Active Hands
My name is Asher Burley, and I have joined the team at Active Hands for work experience. I am hoping to learn about the financing of a company and how the marketing is done. I want to know how companies manage their products and advertise them in a way that they can be seen and appreciated by so many. This was a perfect opportunity to find this out.Â
Monday 20th May – TikTok Takeover

When I first arrived at Active Hands all the team were really kind and friendly. Clare welcomed me into the office and gave me my first task. It was to write a script for a video displaying and advertising a new use for the small item aid and the eazy hold strap. She showed me how these products could be used to help hold drumsticks more efficiently for people with reduced hand function. As a drummer, I was able to review these products and confirm how useful they were. In my script, I was able to describe how the products worked, how effective and useful they are and most importantly how to put the products on correctly. I helped the team film some videos displaying some of the available products on the Active Hand’s website. Some of these products included the SpillNot Plus, the Handi-Grip Grabber and the Grip Toggles. I helped add a more lighthearted element to the usual content – my aim was to increase views on their socials.
Tuesday 21st May – Drumming and Filming
On the second day I had at Active Hands, my first task was to record a drumming video. I introduced the Eazy Hold Strap and the Small Item Aid using the script I made yesterday. After many takes, I was able to demonstrate and explain the brilliance of these products. I showed how they can be used to play on a drum kit effectively and efficiently. I then made my way into the office for the rest of the day. Once I arrived at the office, I spent a while editing the video we had previously recorded. I then helped film two other Active Hands videos, which were posted on their socials. Finally, to conclude my day I helped organise some paid invoices and then did some shredding.
Wednesday 22nd May – Product Description
On the third day, I began by packaging some Active Hands gripping aids. I followed this by researching the LapStacker Flex and writing a well thought out description for the Active Hands website. After editing further, adding images and adding a quote from the CEO, the description was ready to be posted. I ended the day doing some video editing on one of the work computer and then filled in my logbook.
Thursday 23rd May – Product Filming and Statistics

On Thursday, I kicked off the day by completing some social media scheduling for Instagram. Jo then taught me, about how the company monitors their growth through statistics and analytics. After this, I created my own Tik Tok stats analysis, where I compared the recent numbers of the Active Hands account to a month ago, they had improved in all aspects! Near the end of my day, I assembled some packages to send off to Amazon. I ended my day by recording and editing a video displaying the usefulness of the product FixIts. I then uploaded the footage to Tik Tok and YouTube shorts.
Friday 24th May – the End of my Work Experience!
On my final day I wrote a response to a product review and learned how to add an article to the Active Hands website. I also uploaded a video to YouTube and took some photos displaying the Add-on Handles in action. The next task was to finish writing up and publish this article.
I want to thank Clare, Jo, Millie, Mel, Rob, Hannah and all of the marketing team for welcoming me into their workplace so openly. I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and have learned how to analysis statistics to assess a company’s growth effectively whilst gaining knowledge about marketing.