Activity Centre

Nat with her dog Stan at the beach

Enjoying the Outdoors with a Disability.

Looking for Adventure Accepting limitations doesn’t have to mean you can’t live a fulfilled life. Nat and her Bedlington Terrier/Whippet cross, Stan, are an adventurous team. Together, they love exploring the outdoors and being as active as possible. But over the past 6 years, Nat’s autoimmune disease had caused her to find holding the dog ... Read more

Access Adventures run a range of holidays and activities for those with disabilities

Adventures In The Wild

Following on from the recent article which saw us dive into the world of handbiking, we now explore a few of the options available to wheelchair users that offer access to not just bumpy roads and cobbled streets, but on mountain bike trails, rivers, mountains and more.  It’s time to take things off-road! Mountain Trike ... Read more

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