disability exercise

An everyday athlete picture showing a wheelchair users on a path with mountains in the background.

Everyday Athlete

Our friend, Ben from Adapt to Perform, has launched the Everyday Athlete campaign. This campaign highlights how those with mobility issues are overcoming obstacles every day. Ben runs adaptive fitness classes that help users to tackle the everyday athletic tasks that they face. That could be lifting your wheelchair in and out of the car, ... Read more

Paul uses his General purpose aid to hold a ring for a pull up

Don’t Quit, CrossFit! – A Stroke Survivor’s Story

On November 30th 2016, avid gym goer and crossfit enthusiast Paul Dewey was where he spent most of his free time; at his local gym, CrossFit Johns Creek in Georgia, USA. He was coming to the end of a gruelling 10 minute double-unders drill (jumping rope, where the rope has to pass under you twice every jump) when ... Read more

Gareth uses the theraband to do a chest pull

Active Hands and Therabands – How To Work Out With The Sun Out!

Sittin’ On The Deck Of The Bay Windows  After what felt like the longest winter imaginable here in the UK, with my hoodie ‘n’ heating combo lasting until the end of May; this past month has finally seen the rain let up and temperatures break into the tumultuous teens! With so long spent indoors over ... Read more

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