
Georgia Carmichael kayaking

Georgia’s Journey

We love connecting with customers and often get tagged on social media by people who are using and loving our gripping aids. One such person to tag us is Georgia Carmichael. Georgia had been using our Small Item Gripping Aid whilst in hospital to aid with her personal care as well as to embrace her ... Read more

Tees Barrage International White Water Centre

An Oar-some Summer Outdoors

There are few things more enjoyable in life than getting outdoors on a warm summer day and doing something liberating. As a quad wheelchair user who lives in the UK, I am more than accustomed to waking up to the sound of wind and rain beating against the bedroom windows. On these days I know, ... Read more

Rob and his son had a great time kayaking thanks to the kayak adaptations

New Opportunities: a Kayaking Adventure

Camping together It had been forecast to be thunderstorms and rain all weekend. So as the unexpected sun shone across the camping field, spirits were especially high. The kids were playing football, the adults were sipping the last of our morning coffee. It was time to make some plans for the afternoon. And Rob was ... Read more

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