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A day in the life of a quad/tetra in lockdown
Eight weeks into lockdown here in the UK and life seems to be settling into a bit of a routine. In some ways, I have been trying to recreate things I’d normally be doing in the outside world using new technology… work, training, catching up with friends. At other times, I’ve been discovering the benefits of slowing down, staying ... Read more
Life In The Time Of Corona
It seems positively ironic that in my previous entry I'd spoken about how uncomfortable I felt accepting help off strangers, and now it's illegal to be within 2 metres of any of them... The moral of the story is be careful what you wish for!!
Looking After Your Mental Health in an Isolated World
We won’t pretend to be mental health experts, but we do have minds of our own and we’re feeling the pressure of the current situation too. We hope that the ideas in this article might go some way to helping you through this bizarre time. If you have any tips we’d love to hear them ... Read more
Are you in need of some extra day-to-day support?
In many countries of the world, people are now in complete ‘lockdown’, only able to leave their homes when completely essential. In addition, increasing numbers of people are needing to self-isolate for 14 days due to symptoms of coronavirus. As a result, it may be that those of us who rely on carers could find ... Read more
Exercising At Home – A Self-Isolation Guide
We are living in unprecedented times. The entire world is on lockdown. Cinemas, pubs, restaurants, schools, gyms – all closed. And even if they were open, any person with a health related disability is being told to quarantine themselves at home for at least 12 weeks in a bid to stem the spread of COVID-19. ... Read more