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The Great Active Hands Bake Off! (New product)
Getting to grips with cooking can be really challenging with reduced hand function – it can be hard to feel independent when it comes to making meals or enjoying baking. Earlier in the year, we set Nino, a quad/tetraplegic from Slovenia, the challenge of baking us something delicious, completely independently, using kitchen products from our website. And we can’t stop watching the result!
As Nino shows, with the right tools, the kitchen can become accessible and you can discover a passion for cooking. All of the products Nino uses are available to buy on our shop page.  To help you get started in the kitchen, we now offer all of these items in one handy Kitchen Pack, giving you a massive saving of over 20%, compared to buying the items individually.
The Kitchen Pack includes:
– One-touch can opener; Jar opener, anti-slip coaster, all-purpose knife, scrubrites, nimble and a set of cutlery grips, all for the fantastic price of £54.95/$94.95/€74.95. *The Kitchen Pack has been updated and a new kitchen pack deluxe is available with better savings of 25%
Jo Smith