The SpillNot goes viral!!

Active Hands watched in amazement as sales of the SpillNot went wild overnight on Thursday last week. The sales continued throughout Friday until all of our stock was depleted! Looking at our website statistics showed that we had experienced the highest number of daily visitors to our site and the greatest number of orders in one day!

Obviously, we were keen to find out what had caused this huge leap in sales. We ask our customers to help us out by stating how they heard about us and one common theme began to emerge – TikTok. A video of @ jayapburns had gone viral overnight leading to a high demand for the SpillNot. Why not check out his TikTok video of the SpillNot!

four postage sacks full of parcels ready to be posted

Active Hands discovered the SpillNot a few years ago and identified that it would be useful for those with a disability: enabling the user to carry a cup of tea without spilling it when using a wheelchair or if they are unsteady on their feet. It was not designed as disability product and so the appeal was there for many able-bodied users too. Who wouldn’t want to swing a cup of tea around in a circle without spilling a drop!

The SpillNot was originally invented by a physics undergraduate who was intrigued by the problems he had to solve and fascinated at how physics could be applied to everyday objects… like a drink on a tray!

The SpillNot is a cup holder with a unique design making it difficult to spill the contents of any glass or mug that is placed on it. You can swing it as much as you like and the contents will not spill. The looped, fabric handle prevents you from applying a lateral force to the liquid in the cup, so the liquid doesn’t spill (the science is quite complicated – no wonder it was invented by a physicist!). Active Hands have often used the SpillNot to catch attention at disability shows that they have attended – people quite often don’t believe that we have liquid in the cup it works so well!

Rob demonstrating the SpillNot.

We sold out our sizeable stock within 48 hours, leading to our biggest ever dispatch effort, particularly challenging in the midst of a global pandemic… but a great boost to our business. Remember, every sale we make is more money that can be put back into exciting development projects.

We already have hundreds more SpillNots on their way to our premises, so if you can’t wait to spin a cuppa… or you’re a bit unsteady and could do with this anti-spill drinks tray, you can order yours soon! You can find more information and order your SpillNot in our shop.

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